
WebRTC video call with ionic, nodejs and twilio

Start with nodejs to have the foundation setup:  (*Note: This guide will work for those who have basic knowledge of ionic) Install the following which will be required in nodejs application npm install express npm install twilio npm install body-parser npm install cors // load all node modules var express = require( 'express' ); var app = express(); var cors=require( 'cors' ); var http = require( 'http' ); var path = require( 'path' ); var AccessToken = require( 'twilio' ).AccessToken; var ConversationsGrant = AccessToken.ConversationsGrant; var bodyParser = require( 'body-parser' ); var server = require( 'http' ).Server(app); // create and start express server server.listen( 5000 , function (){ // change 5000 to process.env.PORT if you are deploying to Heroku console.log( 'The chatroom is now live at port # ' + 5000 ); }); app.get( '/token' , function (request, response) { ...

Integration of Ionic with Visual Studio 2015

                                          CHAPTER-2 The integration of ionic with Visual Studio 2015 requires you to have ionic project. You can either download the ionic zip projects or follow  chapter 1 of this series. Step 1 :  Open your visual studio 2015 and create a new project, go to the javascript template → apache cordova, you will see tools for cordova, install it. Step 2 : Create a new project, go to the javascript template → apache cordova apps, you will see a blank app(Apache Cordova), create it. Step 3 : After creating it, copy the merges,  YourProjectName.jsproj(name it same to the ionic project) and taco.json file. Copy these 3 files and folders to the ionic project you created, run the YourProjectName.jsproj in vs2015. ...

Beginners Guide For installation of ionic and building the android project in ionic for windows.

                                 I will walk through the complete setup of environment for the ionic which will help you even to build the project for android. Straight from installation of java to android-sdk to building the android project. Steps: 1. Download java and java sdk. 2. Open command , type java if it is not recognized, you have to fix the environment variable. 3. Go to My Computer, open its properties,  go to advance system settings, open up the environment variables, add the new user variable call it PATH and add path to java sdk\bin In my case:  C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1. 7.0 _55\bin; 4.  Download and install android sdk then add the android sdk platform-tools and tools to the path. In my case: C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools;C:\Program Files(x86)\Android\android-sdk\tools; 5. Download and extract apache-ant binary and add ...